Thank You
Starting Aftermath took months of work, but we didn’t do it alone. We’ve been lucky to have the counsel of so many friends and colleagues who paved the way, including Jack Mirkinson and Aleks Chan, Matt Hardigree, Max Rivlin-Nadler and Nadia Tykulsker, Jasper Wang, Jason Koebler, and Patrick Klepek and Rob Zacny.
Our amazing logos were created by Andrew Elmore, and the staff portraits were illustrated by Doubleleaf.
Our partners at Lede created the site you’re browsing on and provided vital tech support.
As bloggers who’ve had to turn into businesspeople, we received invaluable advice from Anna Flewelling, Parag Rajendra Khandhar of Gilmore Khandhar, Bruce Mayer of Wegner CPAs, Jessie Rose Lee, and Courtney Waid of First Turn Operations.
We couldn’t do any of this if not for all of our friends and peers in games journalism and beyond, who put up with so much to make great work in ever more trying circumstances. If there’s a future for this industry–and clearly we think there is!--it’s because all of you are fighting for it every day, and lifting each other up in the process.
And finally, we couldn't do it without our subscribers, particularly the Benefactor tier, a group that includes:
Patrick Rennie
Shanti C
Mark Ignacio