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Watch Gita Talk About Aftermath And The Future of Media

Plus, they wear a cool dress!

gita jackson at xoxo fest

Hi Afterfam! This year I had the incredible opportunity to talk about my beautiful baby website at the final XOXO Fest. For everyone who missed it, my talk is finally online.

Here’s the fun new anecdote I tell at parties: I worked at both Gawker and Vice. Depending on the room, that sentence will elicit knowing winces and raised eyebrows. My experience in media has been incredibly discouraging, but because I am a stubborn person, instead of giving up I’ve only dug in my heels harder. The talk I gave is mostly about that:

If you’ve been around for the site’s first year (wow!), you probably know most of this story. But I think I told it pretty well, and I also wore a cool dress. While you’re watching my talk, check out the talks from Molly White of Web3 Is Going Just Great, who talked about why the internet sucks and how to make it better, and my pal Darius Kazemi, who revisited his 2014 XOXO talk with a little bit of cynicism.

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