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Inside Baseball

The Wirecutter Is Wrong About The Best Plain Potato Chip

This is not just about how a chip tastes, this is a matter of the soul.

The Damnedest Thing I Saw At E3 Was Mario Doing Crowd Work

I wasn't prepared to hear a character I'd known since childhood start mixing it up with journalists.

Why Big Publications Like The New York Times Are Making Games (But Barely Covering Them)

"The ad market is terrible. There's very real news fatigue. There's tons of alternative sources for news that aren't even news agencies."

Ruin And Recovery In Games Journalism (With Jason Schreier)

Is games journalism as we know it dying or just changing?

Joel On Joel

Blaseball's Joel reviews the new Joel in town: Helldivers Joel

The Very Dumb Reason Why I Can’t Play Final Fantasy VII

It’s a game that has changed a lot of people’s lives. It changed my life too, in a small way: it made it slightly worse.

Indulge Us: The Art Behind Aftermath’s Branding

There are few things more Inside Baseball than going behind the scenes of the website you're already reading

What’s Inside A Baseball?

Can't have an 'Inside Baseball' week without asking the big questions