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A Video Game Can’t Tell You Why New York Times Headlines Suck, But It’s A Start 

The New York Times Simulator lets you pretend to be a homepage editor

None Of This Is New

An interview with Ken Levine is a relic of the past

Kotaku EIC Resigns Over New Editorial Edict

Staff at the site will be expected to create 50 guides a week

How Stupid Do They Think We Are

Media execs don’t want the sites, they just want the names

February 28, 2024

Stop Letting Them In The House

AI’s destruction of journalism isn’t inevitable

February 5, 2024

The Suicide Squad Situation

Conflict about review code, but also games journalism

January 30, 2024

Here’s All The Layoffs That Happened ::Checks:: Yesterday

And why journalism talks about stuff that bums you out

January 18, 2024

It’s Exhausting Trying To Read Video Game Website Headlines

You're not the Riddler, just tell me what this is about

November 14, 2023