Contrary To Popular Belief, Streaming On Twitch Is Work
"Streaming is more enjoyable in some ways, but work is work no matter what the job is that you’re doing"
YouTube’s New AI Is Inspiring Content Creators To Make Their Videos Boring
Once again asking, begging, perhaps even pleading the question "Who is this for"
After The Election, Leftist Influencers Are At A Crossroads
There will never be a liberal Joe Rogan, but the Democratic establishment prefers to ignore what it's already got
How Content Creation Breaks People’s Brains
"This is a job with no rules and very few guardrails and potentially tons of money and potentially adoration. That is a very hard thing to walk away from or remember feeling bad about"
Asmongold Realizes The Error Of His Ways, But It Might Be Too Little, Too Late
The dangers of a self-made echo chamber
Why YouTube Video Essays Are So Long
"I don’t think it is simply to do with YouTube rewarding longer videos"